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Oil free scroll airend

关键词:Oil free scroll airend


Oil free scroll airend


Oil-free scroll compressor airend

  Oil-free scroll air compressor for efficient, smooth and quiet operation

  1. TüV certification, exhaust iso-8573-1 Class 0, oil-free;

  2. Under the standard working condition, the head vibration is less than 7.1 mm / s, which is the lowest at the same level;

  3. Extremely quiet. The system noise of the whole machine equipped with 3.7KW single head is less than 60dB;

  4. Stable, working under high pressure for a long time, no attenuation of exhaust volume and service life;

  5. Maintenance free, maintenance cycle no less than 10000 hours;

  6. High efficiency, small specific power and high energy efficiency;

  7. Long term quality assurance, 2-year national quality assurance service;

Oil-free scroll airend空气压缩机

BreaTech (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. was established in 2018, with import and export licenses, is a steadily developing trading company. The company specializes in supplying all kinds of oil-free air compressors, vacuum pumps and nitrogen generators, which are widely used in petrochemical, pharmaceutical, electronics industries, as well as various hospitals and laboratories.

  • 公司名称:百瑞科技(南京)有限公司
  • 联系人:王经理
  • 联系电话:15005144988 15005144988
  • 邮箱:502397084@qq.com
  • 地址:南京市高淳经济开发区凤山路60号4幢2层

